Thursday, May 28, 2009

In The Wild Kingdon AKA Arizona

My mom, Cameron, and I had an exciting afternoon. We decided to go and try to find the "Rattlesnake Ranch" near Tombstone. This was not an easy task. I had not been there since Feb, 1990 when my sister came to visit us here and we went in search of this place. So, with a quick internet search that led me to Gleeson Road in Gleeson, a ghost town, we were off. It was over an hour's drive when we turned onto a dirt road--very rough and very way out there. We passed a lone emu--who decided to race the truck as we drove by. When we finally deadended on that road and turned around, we grabbed a few photos of this Arizona Emu (not an Alabama Emu popularized by the John Boy and Billy Radio Show). I digress...

As we drove on the dirt, rough road the other direction, we came across another local. A bull snake was coiled up in the middle of the road, so we grabbed a shot of it (camera shot). Onto our target location, we finally found John's Rattlesnake Ranch. It had moved from it's 1989 location a bit; now it was on an even more primative road. But it was loaded with fun snakeskin items. And we got to meet John himself.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like quite the adventure! I am sure your mom was thrilled with the outback of AZ!!
    I think your blog is a good one!! Keep up the good work!
